And Then There Were Four...
My excuses for not posting much lately include that I've been busy managing this...
and taking care of this...
I will be better about posting...well I'll try...

Robert Patrick joined our family a couple weeks ago and well it has been a whirlwind. Unlike James Robert sprinted into this world in a short 2 hour labor.Thankfully Auntie Kelle raced in just as fast so she could be there to deliver Robert.
We've been adjusting quiet well to our new new life. James is completely in love with Robert and with being the big brother...maybe too much. There have been a lot of hugs and sloppy kisses being given, boops to eyes and noses, fist bumps...occassionally to the chin, maybe a gracious finger to be sucked on...not sure I even want to know where that finger was prior to its re-purposing as a pacifier.
So Robert will be a tough kid with an even tougher immune system. It could be worse...James could be the jealous type. But so far he wants to cuddle when I'm feeding Robert, help carry him to the car, cover him in blankets and give him cups of "water" to drink. All in all its been a smooth transition to a family of four and one that has overfilled my heart. I'm so proud of how James has handled the transition and am so excited each day to see the interactions between James and Robert and all the love James has for Robert.
My doctor told me to listen to my body in terms of getting back to running. The nurse said no walking for 2 weeks. Well lady first of all you see this toddler who has just pulled all the nitrile gloves out of the boxes and onto the floor, is playing peek-a-boo in the curtains, pushing all the buttons on the bed and is pulling the trash cans out of the cupboard? no walking? you must mean because there is no walking in my house...just running and chasing. Well okay I won't walk...I'll just run! So after 4 days off my body was screaming to get out for a run. That's just what I did. A nice easy 4 miler.
I took it easy the first week and have been building back my mileage by adding 10 miles a week. I'm basically bound to the treadmill and hiking Robert up and down the hill in our neighborhood. I've been feeling good...a nine month taper will do that for your legs though. My endurance is definitely lacking and my climbing has a long ways to go before Run Rabbit, but overall I think I'm in way better shape than I was after James was born.
Week June 15 - 21
Miles: 13.5
Hours: 3
Week June 22 - 28
Miles: 7.5
Hours: 2
Week June 29 - July 5
Miles: 20.0
Hours: 4
Week July 6 - 12
Miles: 30.5
Hours: 6
and taking care of this...
I will be better about posting...well I'll try...
Robert Patrick joined our family a couple weeks ago and well it has been a whirlwind. Unlike James Robert sprinted into this world in a short 2 hour labor.Thankfully Auntie Kelle raced in just as fast so she could be there to deliver Robert.
We've been adjusting quiet well to our new new life. James is completely in love with Robert and with being the big brother...maybe too much. There have been a lot of hugs and sloppy kisses being given, boops to eyes and noses, fist bumps...occassionally to the chin, maybe a gracious finger to be sucked on...not sure I even want to know where that finger was prior to its re-purposing as a pacifier.
So Robert will be a tough kid with an even tougher immune system. It could be worse...James could be the jealous type. But so far he wants to cuddle when I'm feeding Robert, help carry him to the car, cover him in blankets and give him cups of "water" to drink. All in all its been a smooth transition to a family of four and one that has overfilled my heart. I'm so proud of how James has handled the transition and am so excited each day to see the interactions between James and Robert and all the love James has for Robert.
My doctor told me to listen to my body in terms of getting back to running. The nurse said no walking for 2 weeks. Well lady first of all you see this toddler who has just pulled all the nitrile gloves out of the boxes and onto the floor, is playing peek-a-boo in the curtains, pushing all the buttons on the bed and is pulling the trash cans out of the cupboard? no walking? you must mean because there is no walking in my house...just running and chasing. Well okay I won't walk...I'll just run! So after 4 days off my body was screaming to get out for a run. That's just what I did. A nice easy 4 miler.
I took it easy the first week and have been building back my mileage by adding 10 miles a week. I'm basically bound to the treadmill and hiking Robert up and down the hill in our neighborhood. I've been feeling good...a nine month taper will do that for your legs though. My endurance is definitely lacking and my climbing has a long ways to go before Run Rabbit, but overall I think I'm in way better shape than I was after James was born.
Week June 15 - 21
Miles: 13.5
Hours: 3
Week June 22 - 28
Miles: 7.5
Hours: 2
Week June 29 - July 5
Miles: 20.0
Hours: 4
Week July 6 - 12
Miles: 30.5
Hours: 6
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