The next great Colorado ultrarunner! |
After a month of being sick and Christmas and all the craziness of the past few months Dan and I have been back to logging great miles, playing with the boys and just enjoying the monotony of daily life. Ah but in our household that seems to only be able to last so long. I think we made it three weeks if I'm counting right! Then one night Dan and I got to chatting about what would be best for our family and if now was the time to make it happen. This wasn't a totally rash decisio, we have been discussing it for awhile, but not in terms of yep lets do it now. I mean who wouldn't want to live within a 1/2 mile of a trail so we could run more? Somewhere that has more activities for James? And so Dan looked at me and asked "Are we totally crazy for putting our house on the market while both trying to train for a 100?" Some might question which part of that he was referring to as crazy. So when in doubt create chaos. That seems to be how we live best. Needless to say nearly half our house has been packed up and is in totes in a shed, everything except the 50 pairs of running shoes that are typically piled next to every door in the house and James' toys that we'd be lost without.
I ended up not getting as many miles in this weekend as I had hoped, but I still had a solid week of running. Old man winter finally hit this week as well bringing snow every couple of days and nearly 2 ft on Sunday. I was really thinking I would run outside on Sunday until Dan asked if I was taking snowshoes and I realized that the snow was even too deep for microspikes. It ended up being a treadmill kinda week which sucks, but treadmill running is better than no running. I also managed to keep my Green Mountain summit streak alive by bagging the peak on Tuesday. Other than that it really was a treadmill kinda week. If I never see another treadmill for a long, long time I will be very happy!
Sitting like a champion! |
James made great strides this week as well. We have been working on getting him to sit for so long now and he's been so close. This week he did it! He is still pretty wobbly and doesn't hold it for too long, but if he can sit for long enough for me to take a picture that's enough for me! The best is him just sitting there looking at you like "what are you all looking at of course I can sit by myself?" I love to see that look on his face. I also love to see all of our hardwork paying off and to know that he really
will do everything, it'll just take time. I also think the added calories we're putting in his bottles are really helping. He's been way more active and alert.
Once again we're bringing on the chaos and testing ourselves to see how we get through it all. In the end this is the best thing for not only our running, but most importantly for James. We're so excited for what this great adventure will bring to our little family!
Lovin' the bear rug |
Week February 18 - 24
Miles Running: 35
Hours Hiking and Running: 5
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